La Autoridad del Agua cree que si los estudiantes experimentan la belleza y comprenden la complejidad del ecosistema fluvial, querrán conservar y proteger nuestros recursos hídricos. Por eso llevamos a todos los alumnos de cuarto grado de la APS a la excursión de RIO. Incluso pagamos el autobús.
APS schools are notified in spring of the date(s) they are scheduled to attend the RIO Field Trip the following year. If you have questions about the date(s) your school is scheduled to attend, please call Jeff Tuttle at (505) 289-3027 or email
Por favor, rellene este formulario para confirmar que su escuela podrá asistir en la(s) fecha(s) prevista(s).
Manténgase informado sobre su comunidad y los problemas de agua que enfrenta con una actualización electrónica mensual de la Autoridad del Agua. Sólo tiene que introducir su dirección de correo electrónico en el siguiente formulario para suscribirse.
var _ctct_m = "ac9db47dcd7f1b23c1bc1d92c1dbd5e7";Kris Cadena, PE 505-289-3301 Section ManagerMaster Planning Development Agreements |
David Gutierrez, PE 505-289-3381 City DHO/DFT Count CDRA Village of Los Ranchos Plats City Form PLT |
Victoria Dery, PE 505-518-5929 City DHO/DFT County CDRA Village of Los Ranchos Plats City Form PLT |
Renee Brissette, PE 505.352-4479 City DRC Work Orders ABCWUA Work Orders Closeout Packages |
Andre Houle, PE 505-304-5993 City DRC Work Orders ABCWUA Work Orders Closeout Packages |
Eddie Kemp 505-289-3311 Requests for Availability Connection Permits City Form SP Pressure / Flow Inquiries |
Galverston Begaye 505 818-1640 Requests for Availability Connection Permits City Form SP Pressure / Flow Inquiries |
Fees associated with the Connection Permits must be paid prior to release of the Connection Permit. These fees can be paid by either the designer, contractor, or property owner. The fee amount is based upon the type of connections (i.e. services) proposed to be installed. A breakdown of each cost is as follows:
The account shall be setup with New Construction only after project has been closed out and accepted by the Water Authority. Payment of these fees must be made through New Construction. New Construction may be reached at (505) 842-WATR (9287) Option 3, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Contact New Construction to obtain information concerning the various methods of payment
Before a Water Authority Work Order is issued all fees due must be paid. Such fees may include:
Payment of these fees must be made through New Construction. New Construction may be reached at (505) 842-WATR (9287) Option 3, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Contact New Construction to obtain information concerning the various methods of payment.
(505) 289-3242
(505) 289-3248
Servicios de construcción
Option 3