The Connection Permit process replaces the Tapping Permit and Mini Work Order processes as of 5/31/2022.
The Connection Permit procedure eliminates the need for a design by a licensed engineer, the processing of an Infrastructure Improvement Agreement (IIA), and the need for a formal design review construction (DRC) and the Water Utility Authority work order process. Its applicability will be at the discretion of the Utility Development Section when the normal design, review, and work order process is not required. The Connection Permit shall not be used for extensions of public waterlines, sanitary sewer lines and/or non-potable lines. The Connection Permit is only applicable for the following:
- Fire hydrants (Public and private.)
- Fire Suppression lines.
- Meter vaults (Water meters larger than or equal to three-inches.)
- Manholes (on a case by case basis.)
- Vacuum sewer valve pits.
- General purpose water valves. Valves on transmission lines is strictly prohibited.
- All potable water service, non-potable water service, and sewer service connections.
- This process can also be utilized for abandonment of multiple services.
Prior to requesting a Connection Permit, the requestor shall coordinate with the City of Albuquerque to determine if the proposed work does not require a formal DRC Work Order based on scope of work and the public rights-of-way that are impacted. For new development, additional new services, or a remodel of a building that results in an increase of required fire flow, an availability statement will be required prior to the issuance of a Connection Permit. If the development is located outside of the Adopted Service Area, a Service Connection Agreement will be required prior to the issuance of the Connection Permit. To begin the process, please fill out and submit the Connection Permit request form below.
Fees associated with the permit must be paid prior to release of the permit by either the designer, contractor, or property owner; fee amount is based upon the infrastructure proposed to be installed. A breakdown of each cost is as follows:
- Small water services (two-inch or smaller) and sanitary sewer services – $50 per service
- Public hydrant, public manhole, Fire lines, AirVac pit, and large water services / meter vaults (three-inch or larger) – $150 per item
The account shall be setup with New Services only after project has been closed out and accepted by the Water Authority.
All existing infrastructure shall be replaced in kind if affected by construction activities, and is the responsibility of the contractor. This includes, but is not limited to, asphalt, concrete, curb and gutter, sidewalk and landscaping.
If you have any questions contact:
Galveston Begaye, 505.289.3310
Edd Kemp, 505.289.3311
A Construction Plan is required with every submittal. This a utility plan of the project focusing on the installation and removal of water and sewer infrastructure interfacing with the public infrastructure. This must contain an aerial of the site with all public infrastructure, a scale and a north arrow. While this can be compiled by the applicant, it is recommended that an email be sent to our Maps and Records team at In the subject line of the email write ‘CONNECTION PERMIT – [Address/Project Name].’ From there, add the following to the provided map:
- Distances between the public and private gate valves on a new fire suppression line.
- Distances between new valves and public fire hydrants
- Location of all proposed connections to the existing public water, public sanitary sewer and/or public non-potable infrastructure.
- Existing and/or proposed public waterline and/or public sanitary sewer easements.
- All existing infrastructure intended to be relocated or removed.
- Marked vicinity map with streets labeled.
- Proposed location of backflow prevention device(s) (if applicable)
- Proposed location of grease trap(s) (if applicable)
- Placeholders for coordinates shall be included for the following:
- Water meter services 3-inch or larger:
- The infrastructure to be surveyed includes all public valves and the center of the vault.
- Fire Lines:
- The infrastructure to be surveyed includes both the public and private valves.
- Public Hydrants:
- The infrastructure to be surveyed includes the public valve and the hydrant flange
- Manholes
- The infrastructure to be surveyed includes the rim and inverts
- Vacuum Valve Pits
- The infrastructure to be surveyed includes the rim
- The coordinates shall be provided by the contractor upon completion of the project. The coordinates shall be in X, Y, and Z or Northing/Easting in the horizontal datum shall be NAD 1983 NM State Plan Central Zone, and NAVD 1988 for vertical datum. NAD 1983 HARN New Mexico Central State Plane coordinate system. Latitude/longitude will not be accepted. These requirements are specified in the various Water Authority’s Standard Details.
- Water meter services 3-inch or larger:
Subsequent pages will need to be attached for each proposed meter vault (three-inch or larger water meter), these shall include the following:
- Label for each valve in the figure that relates to the bypass.
- Indicate which meter vault is being discussed from the general design figure.
- Dimension the distance between the main and the nearest edge of the vault
- Show the 35’ by 35’ easement that surrounds the vault. Any amount of this area that exists within the property line / out of public easement shall require additional easement as a condition of close-out.
Additional figures can be requested at any time during the revision process, by the reviewing engineer.
Example 1 (pdf)
Example 2 (pdf)
Example 3 (pdf)
Example 4 (pdf)
Example 5 (pdf)
Example 6 (pdf)
Example 7 (pdf)
Example 8 (pdf)
Resubmittal Portal (Only input files if this was requested by the Water Authority Review Engineer in this Portal)
Submittal Portal (For first submittals or if indicated by the Water Authority Review Engineer; all fields must be filled in that match the provided figure or this submittal will be deleted and must be resubmitted)