Summary: Students
will move drops of water up root systems and into the
stems and leaves of plants in this colorful board game.
They will learn: All
plants need water Plants
have roots, stems, and leaves Water
travels up through the roots into the plant and then
exits up through the leaves into the air, where it may
join clouds |
H2Grow ![]() |
Subject Areas:
sets of 10 glass beads Materials to
Download: Plant
Parts Poster |
Some things to point out on the boards:
Divide students into four groups and pass
out a board and baggie of playing materials to each group. Ask
to wait to open up baggie until instructions are told and
educator says to begin. Students may have to partner up
depending on class size. Provide around 25-30 minutes for
students to play game.
Explain that in this game, students will
take turns rolling the die to move water droplet pieces through
the plant’s root system, through the stem of plant, and out
through the leaves into the air. The goal is for the group to
collect each of their water droplets in the clouds to create
rain. When they do, the students will take turns shaking a rain
stick as the educator sings the Desert Rain song:
“Rain Rain Come Today
Rain Rain Don’t Go Away
We’re Desert Kids and We Want To Play!”
The educator can encourage the children to
sing along after they have heard it a few times.
Explain that after it rains, the water
will return to the soil and the process will start over again…so
the playing pieces can be moved back to the roots from the
clouds to play again!
that this is just for fun and NOT A COMPETITION. (May want to
demonstrate game in central area where students can watch.)
After each roll an environmental element
card is picked up with instructions. Ex. “You are in a drought!
Stay where you are”
ABCWUA Educator will have various bonus
rounds where all teams will get a chance to answer extra
questions to move ahead 2 spaces.
For example:
“Which one looks like this when after they
die?” (hold up Cholla stick)
one is found not only along the Rio Grande river, but throughout
all of Albuquerque?” (Cottonwood)
“Which on makes fluffy cotton-looking bits
that get carried by the wind in order to spread their seeds?”
Each board has a close up of the leaf
system of each plant. Educators can explain how each one is
special for the plant to keep water. Ex. Cholla cactus have
needles, not leaves to keep their water from
evaporating/escaping since they live in such a dry place.
Wrap Up:
Bring students back together. Have them turn in game pieces. Discussion about what happened during the game, remind student where our water comes from and how they can use less water at home.